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ICEC-2024: Call for Papers

ICEC 2024’s topics include but are not limited to:

Advancement in AI and Machine Learning (ML) Technologies, Expert System and Decision Support Systems, Deep Learning Technologies, Nature-Inspired Computing, Cognitive and Biologically inspired Vision, Evolutionary–based optimization algorithms, Hybrid learning schemes, Incremental learning methods for self-adaptive models, Smart City, Smart Transport, Smart Grid, Smart Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hardware, Expert Systems for Smart World, Natural Language Processing, E-Learning, Mobile learning, Pervasive Computing, Real-Time Analysis of computing technologies, Ethical and Explainable AI in Emerging Computing, AI Applications in Industry, Autonomous Vehicles, AI for Computer Vision.

Network Management and Monitoring, Network Security, 5G and beyond, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Parallel and Distributed Networks, Social and Smart Networks, Software Defined Networks, Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Body Area Networks, Opportunistic Networks, Cognitive Radio Networks, QoS in Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Protocols and QoS, Node Clustering in WSN, Game Theory and Wireless Networks, IoT Architectures and Protocols, IoT’s impact on 5G, IoT enabling technologies, IoT services and applications, IoT and Big Data Management, Future internet design for various IoT use cases, Internet of Everything (IoE), Internet of Vehicles, and related topics.

Neuromorphic Computing, Blockchain Technology, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Human-computer Interaction, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Green computing, Reconfigurable Computing, Holographic Computing, Exascale Computing, Photonic Computing, Future directions in computing, E-Governance, Cognitive and Biologically-inspired Vision, Ambient Computing, etc.

Cyber threat intelligence, Secure Coding Practices, Threat Modelling, Incident Response and Recovery, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, IoT Security, Ethical hacking and Penetration Testing, Digital Image Forgery Detection, Digital Image Watermarking, Data Hiding Methods for Digital Image Security, Reversible Data Hiding.


Fault-tolerant quantum computing, Application mapping (compilers, runtimes, etc.) and design automation, and acceleration thereof, Simulation of quantum computers on classical systems, Benchmarking quantum systems, Practical implementations of noisy-intermediate-scale quantum machines, Quantum algorithms, Quantum programming languages, Distributed quantum computing, Application of quantum computing in modern technologies.

ICEC technical program will include contributed papers and contributions from invited speakers. ICEC 2024 will have keynotes, technical sessions, special sessions, expert panels.

Several best paper awards will be available.

Author Guidelines

The authors of ICEC-2024 should pay attention to the following:

Selected papers from ICEC 2024 program will be invited for submission to special issues of peer-reviewed SCOPUS indexed journals (e.g., Springer Nature Computer Science SNCS journal).

Best Paper Awards

Three awards will be conferred with due recommendations from the program committee from the papers presented in the conference. Each award will carry cash prize and citations. One student best paper prize will be awarded from the papers where the students are the leading authors.

Submission of Full Papers: June 20, 2024 June 30, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: August 20, 2024

Registration: October 01, 2024

Camera Ready Submission: October 01, 2024

Conference Dates: November 23-25, 2024